Maybe we were wrong..
"Are you sleeping?
Still dreaming?
Still drifting off alone...
I'm not leaving with this feeling
So you'd better best be told
And how in the world did you come
To be such a lazy love?
It's so simple, and fitting
The path that you are on
We're not talking, there's no secrets
There's just a note that you have gone.."
"I can't wait forever is all that you said
Before you stood up
And you won't disappoint me
I can do that myself
But I'm glad that you've come
Now if you don't mind
Leave, leave,
And please yourself at the same time
Leave, leave,
Let go of my hand
You said what you have to now
Leave, leave,
Let go of my hand
You said what you came to now
Let go of my hand
You said what you have to now
joi, 30 aprilie 2009
luni, 27 aprilie 2009

Arunca-mi un gand de-acolo de unde esti si am sa vin pana la tine..O sa mai recunosti oare sunetul tocurilor?
"Nothin's wrong
Just as long as you know that someday I will
Gonna make it alright
But not right now
I know you're wondering when.."
sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2009
Seduce the rain..

Eu sunt ploaia de vara intr-o zi torida..Apar pe neasteptate,puternica,capricioasa si imprevizibila,tocmai cand aveai nevoie.Fie ca o iubesti sau nu,ai nevoie de prospetimea si inocenta ei..Apoi zambesc si dispar,lasandu-te sa ma astepti din nou..
"Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone, too long.
If your lips
Feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain.."
vineri, 24 aprilie 2009
Hello stranger!:)
Thank you for being so sweet..

"We've found a kind of paradise
In a flowers bloom.
We've seen the end of a mystic land
So close it meets the parting sun.
We've shared the thoughts that two could share,
We feel the truth,magic that we send...
We've weaved a web of mystery so wide,
We need the light of day.
We've worn the cloak of secret lives,
We've seen the truth, magic that we send...
Searching for something new.."
Thank you for being so sweet..

"We've found a kind of paradise
In a flowers bloom.
We've seen the end of a mystic land
So close it meets the parting sun.
We've shared the thoughts that two could share,
We feel the truth,magic that we send...
We've weaved a web of mystery so wide,
We need the light of day.
We've worn the cloak of secret lives,
We've seen the truth, magic that we send...
Searching for something new.."
marți, 14 aprilie 2009
Cutite si sageti de foc..
Dizolv ura in cuvinte insangerate si ganduri fugare..Ma prefac in sunete si evadez din inchisoarea florilor de piatra.Tu ranesti,dispari si apoi zici ca iubesti..Iubire bolnava,sentimente otravite.Minti,din nou..Inima de gheata si suflet de foc..
Inca te mai vad in cioburile sufletului..Le-am lasat tot acolo,unde a inceput totul..Adun cu grija praful amintirilor,si am sa-l arunc candva in mare..Valurile vor distruge si ultima speranta..Voi lasa inima sa pluteasca in deriva..salbatica si ratacita...Undeva,candva..
Zi de zi,odata cu florile si norii de vata,renasc din cenusa propriului trecut..
"Demult candva dulce-mi vorbeai
Ma sarutai apoi muscai ..
Din inima mea ca dintr-un mar ..
Sucul storceai la la la..
Siropul tare te indulcea ..aroma te innebunea.
Fulgerator ma indragosteam
Ametitor sageti primeam.
Durea atunci cand le smulgeam
Zambeam, plangeam, sangeram..
Sageti de sange tot smulgeam..
Cu lacrimi le spalam ..cutite in mine aruncai ..
La spatina te ascundeai
Eu le scoteam, eu ameteam..
Ma netezesti ma zapacesti
Cu vorbe dulci.. cu buze reci
Dar timpul fuge ca un cal
Uite-n stanga vertical..
Cutite si sageti de foc vreau sa ti le-ntorc
Te doare stiu.."
miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009
Basarabia-Dor de LIBERTATE!

"Curge Prutul intre noi si plinge
Ca ni-i greu si lui la fel ii greu
La un val de apa,3 de singe
Bietul Prut uitat de Dumnezeu
Lumea se mai stinge se mai naste
E ghimpata sirba dintre frati
Vom avea si noi o zi de paste
Hai romani din moarte inviati
Dar de peste Prut ridica frate
Ochii tai de-a dreptu-n ochii mei
Le vom face rind pe rind pe toate
Daca eu mai vreau si tu mai vrei.."
"Pentru Ea la Putna clopot bate
Pentru Ea mi-I teama de pacate
Pentru Ea e bolta mai albastra
Pentru Limba, pentru Limba noastra
Pentru Ea ninsori se cern din spatii
Pentu Ea puternici sunt Carpatii
Pentru Ea e calda vatra poamei
Pentru Limba, pentru Limba mamei
Dumnezeu prima oara
Cind a plins printe astre
El a plins peste tara
Cu lacrima limbii noatre
Pentru Ea noi varuim peretii
Pentru Ea mai sunt raniti poetii
Pentru Ea cresc florile visarii
Pentru Limba, pentru Limba tarii"
vineri, 3 aprilie 2009
Don’t you want to be happy? :)
"She ain't right for you she don't know you like I do, no matter
What she do she ain't right for you, don't u want to be happy?
Baby u should stay with me 'cause she ain't right for you - she
Don't love you like I do.
They will say that I spend all my days chasing a love that she
Took away but I feel what I feel.
You know baby I've been trying to tell you for a mighty long
Time now that u can keep looking u can keep searching all
Over the world. Trying to find a find a love like mine but the real
Thing is right here baby and no matter what she say no matter
What she do, she don't like u like I do."
joi, 2 aprilie 2009
Wake me up..

"As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost.
Wake me up,
When September ends.
Summer has come and passed.
The innocent can never last.
Wake me up,
When September ends.
Ring out the bells again.
Like we did when spring began.
Wake me up,
When September ends".
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