Aceeasi constienta a inutilitatii...Aceleasi empty spaces in interior si in jurul meu.Vesnica sala a pasilor pierduti,vesnica solitudine resimtita in mijlocul unui grup numeros de fiinte umane.Podeaua din patrate de marmura alba si neagra,pe care pasesc in ritmul stiut,monoton pana la nebunie.Acum sunt EU in cea mai pura forma a mea.
Lipsa de sens ma opreste sa imi doresc ceva,sa caut vreun sentiment ratacit prin unul din ungherele a ceea ce a mai ramas din sufletul meu,sa sper, sa visez... O avalansa a nimicului in nimicul de mine.
Cuvintele celorlalti ma ranesc cu neintelegerea lor,cu nestiinta lor. Imi vor binele. Ma iubesc?!Ei nu pricep ca peretele nimicului,in transparenta lui,e mai dur decat diamantul.Ma inconjoara si nu lasa sa treaca ceva.
Am apasat butonul off,iar armoniile universului au tacut.Se aude,insa,asurzitor, zgomotul non-sensului,strapuns de versurile acestei piese..
"She lives on disillusion road
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
Love me, wherever you are
How do you love with fate full of rust?
How do you turn what the savage take?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Who will love you, again and again
How do you love in a house without feelings?
How do you turn what that savage take?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Love me, again and again
She lives by disillusions close
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies, we share the same scar"
duminică, 22 februarie 2009
Si ca daca?!Nu mai vreau!A trecut..S-a stins!Nu te mai las sa schimbi ceva.Doar atat pot sa iti mai spun"Смайл мазефак,смайл!"
Я иду по дороге и ботинок не жаль
По знакомой дороге или в ад или в рай
Час через час
Сигареты травят меня
Ночь через ночь
Бессонница терзает меня
vineri, 20 februarie 2009

"Больше менять не позволю, боль на другую боль
Полю чужому плодов - не пожинать
Пыль в глаза не пускал, было, прошло - сказал
Больше не надо слов, чтобы понять
Долетали до луны
Дали за любовь медали
У медали две стороны
Этой мы не знали
Та ли сторона луны
Та ли сторона медали
То ли мы любовь нашли
То ли потеряли"
"Ждать звонка и не дышать
Что же ты делаешь? - Ему не жаль
Глупая, ну хочешь - плачь
Я буду за руку тебя держать
Они нам дуло к виску
Они нам вдребезги сердца
А мы за ними во тьму
А мы за ними в небеса
Они нам реки измен
Они нам океаны лжи
А мы им веру взамен
А мы им посвящаем жизнь
Кому, зачем?
А мы им посвящаем жизнь
Кому, зачем?"
duminică, 15 februarie 2009
Ganduri de duminca
Pe masura ce ne imbratisam de dimineata si luam fiecare drumul orasului,tot ce pastram impartasit e speranta de a ne vedea.Toata dorinta de celalalt se strange atunci în micul"Ne vedem", repetat,sperat,uneori ca o rugaciune...
Si poate ca,intr-o zi chiar ajungem la capatul rugaciunilor si "Ne vedem",dincolo de strazile pline de chipuri straine..
O piesa draga sufletelului meu,iar pentru cei care nu inteleg rusa,am gasit si traducerea versurilor:
"Call me -- And I will wait
And I will know, which of us I can trust
Tell me where to go
Why go there, if all the doors are locked
A drunken macho
Is healing me and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
See me out the door -- and I will swim
I will freeze
under the most noisy waters
Please stop
My eyes -- your eyes
There are simply different codes in them
A drunken macho
Is treating me (for an illness) and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
Love me -- and I will only live
Nine moons, and after that -- eternal sun
See me out -- and I will swim
If I have enough kronas and if my memory
Comes back"
Si ceva in ucraineana :D
Si poate ca,intr-o zi chiar ajungem la capatul rugaciunilor si "Ne vedem",dincolo de strazile pline de chipuri straine..
O piesa draga sufletelului meu,iar pentru cei care nu inteleg rusa,am gasit si traducerea versurilor:
"Call me -- And I will wait
And I will know, which of us I can trust
Tell me where to go
Why go there, if all the doors are locked
A drunken macho
Is healing me and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
See me out the door -- and I will swim
I will freeze
under the most noisy waters
Please stop
My eyes -- your eyes
There are simply different codes in them
A drunken macho
Is treating me (for an illness) and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
Love me -- and I will only live
Nine moons, and after that -- eternal sun
See me out -- and I will swim
If I have enough kronas and if my memory
Comes back"
Si ceva in ucraineana :D
joi, 12 februarie 2009
Song for someone..
Uite..ploaie..picura.E rece.E atat de rece.Nu am unde sa fug.E negru totul..e vid totul...Intinde mana si atinge.Vezi? E vidul.E nimicul de langa esti aici.Ma omoara vidul.Mi-am amintit din nou de tine..
Cand stropii de ploaie au cazut..m-am pierdut eu..intr-un decor parca prea ciudat.De ce?Ce se intampla?De ce doare?De ce simt ca dispar incet?Unde mi-au disparut toate amintirile?Unde s-au risipit deodata si au ramas invaluite in mister?Ma simt atat de goala pe interior...
In jurul meu se stinge lumina si coboara stelele..Plang prin stropii astia mascati si ma revars prin ganduri ce nu le mai pot scrie.Sunt aici,inconjurata de sunetul sinitru al vantului..Imbratisez stropii si cant impreuna cu ploaia..
sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2009
Saturday Night Martini Party!
Girls just wanna have fun!:D Live your life to the fullest!
"If you wanna ride,just name your price
don't play cheap,with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check,for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought,but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford me
If you want me, I'm not a piece of ass,a
one night stand,a storage shed
I think you better walk by, tonight, Oh, no.
If you want me, then stop begging I don't put out for charity
If you want me there's no discount price tonight
But I don't need your dollar bills I just want something real
Cuz,nothing's free,except lovin' me!
"If you wanna ride,just name your price
don't play cheap,with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check,for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought,but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford me
If you want me, I'm not a piece of ass,a
one night stand,a storage shed
I think you better walk by, tonight, Oh, no.
If you want me, then stop begging I don't put out for charity
If you want me there's no discount price tonight
But I don't need your dollar bills I just want something real
Cuz,nothing's free,except lovin' me!
Don't bother!
Fiecare chestie noua vine cu un mesaj si un scop anume,exact la momentul potrivit..Astfel,nu intamplator am redescoperit cateva piese mai vechi,dar care au o semnificatie speciala.Asa ca,boxele la maxim si repetitii pentru karaoke prin casa.
Din nou,soarele imi zambeste doar mie!
"I'm sure she doesn't know
How to touch you like I would
I beat her at that one good
Don't you think so?
So don't bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry
Don't bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind!"
"I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?
I'm wondering for days and hours
It's here, it isn't here where you belong
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along"
Din nou,soarele imi zambeste doar mie!
"I'm sure she doesn't know
How to touch you like I would
I beat her at that one good
Don't you think so?
So don't bother
I won't die of deception
I promise you won't ever see me cry
Don't feel sorry
Don't bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind!"
"I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?
I'm wondering for days and hours
It's here, it isn't here where you belong
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along"
joi, 5 februarie 2009
Dimineata perfecta!
Muzica,versurile,cafeaua si zambetul.
"I don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence...
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
When I won't remember, save your breath, 'cause what's the use?
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?"
"Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace"
"I don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence...
The quiet scares me 'cause it screams the truth
Please don't tell me that we had that conversation
When I won't remember, save your breath, 'cause what's the use?
I'm safe
Up high
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party's over?
No pain
You're like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?"
"Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace"
miercuri, 4 februarie 2009
Her Morning Elegance :)
"Sun been down for days
A winter melody she plays
The thunder makes her contemplate
She hears a noise behind the gate
Perhaps a letter with a dove
Perhaps a stranger she could love
And She fights for her life
As she puts on her coat
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain
As it pours
And she fights for her life
As she goes in a store
With a thought she has caught
By a thread
She pays for the bread
And She goes...
Nobody knows"
marți, 3 februarie 2009
luni, 2 februarie 2009
A 4-a poza din folderul nr.4.
Descrierea ar fi“Marea a sters amintirea ta..”
Poza am facut-o in prima seara in Vama.Imi aminteste de o perioada extrem de frumoasa,3 zile petrecute in liniste,muzica,fericire si mai ales,libertate.Prieteni vechi si noi cunostinte.A fost frumos!
E prima postare de acest gen,dar mi s-a parut o idee interesanta.Leapsa am primit-o de la Laura.
Astfel,continuand "traditia" le provoc pe Ruxy si Tina.Sunt curioasa :)

E liniste.
E pace.
E frumos.
E bine.
E fericire.
Mai am nevoie de ceva?
Un Martini Rosso cu umbrelute colorate si Pink Martini.
Prea mult Martini?
Acum e perfect.
Pink Martini-Aspettami
Sunlounger feat.Zara-Lost
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