Pe masura ce ne imbratisam de dimineata si luam fiecare drumul orasului,tot ce pastram impartasit e speranta de a ne vedea.Toata dorinta de celalalt se strange atunci în micul"Ne vedem", repetat,sperat,uneori ca o rugaciune...
Si poate ca,intr-o zi chiar ajungem la capatul rugaciunilor si "Ne vedem",dincolo de strazile pline de chipuri straine..
O piesa draga sufletelului meu,iar pentru cei care nu inteleg rusa,am gasit si traducerea versurilor:
"Call me -- And I will wait
And I will know, which of us I can trust
Tell me where to go
Why go there, if all the doors are locked
A drunken macho
Is healing me and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
See me out the door -- and I will swim
I will freeze
under the most noisy waters
Please stop
My eyes -- your eyes
There are simply different codes in them
A drunken macho
Is treating me (for an illness) and crying
Because he knows
How good it all can be
Love me -- and I will only live
Nine moons, and after that -- eternal sun
See me out -- and I will swim
If I have enough kronas and if my memory
Comes back"
Si ceva in ucraineana :D
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